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Showing posts from 2014

Your Data is Bad - Does it matter if you know in 3 hours or 3 Minutes ?

These days every discussions in analytic and business intelligence areas eventually end up with "speed of analysis". Since SAP introduced HANA - the buzzword is about speed, real time, near real time dashboards. Everybody wants to talk about a cloud application - so they can get up & running with applications tomorrow, and if its deployed on HANA - more than happy since they get it faster. So CIO can start getting his dashboard from next week, every time he looks at it - its just near real time. Isn't it faster ROI ? Gone are the days when it used to take few months to get systems up and running, 3 hours everyday to get those BI reports and tune those dashboards where "Go Live" was a big event. The only question remains - When CIO looks at that new dashboard created in 3 minutes rather than 3 hours - how much time does it take to tell you that your data in the system is bad.  No surprise here. Last week I was talking to a procurement executive from a rep