If you are a player in the Supply Chain industry - a manager, a business analyst, a leader in manufacturing, a strategic sourcing consultant or a spend analyst, a business intelligence technician or a supply chain guy - if you haven't read the book by Kirit Pandit and H Marmanis titled "Spend Analysis - The Winodow to Startegic Sourcing"- you are missing something.
This book details everything that you need to know on Spend Analysis. It details out right from simple definitions to the steps on implementing Spend Management program, how different classification taxonomies work, what all reports one needs to look for, how to identify opportunities and what are different components of Spend analysis that makes it "real" on technology side. So it helps you to understand whether you need spend analysis - what it means, if you say yes - what all things you may want to look for to decide your own goal and then once you know goals how to make those real - in simple language it takes you through all steps.
In a market that is crowded with providers running over each other to prove differetiators like quick turnaround from data to dashboard, agressive pricing and fully automated solutions - this books make you realize that spend analysis is a "process" and to make it work as a "fully automated tool" is not that realistic. Yes technological algorithms can turn business process into software and that has benefit in terms of time and accuracy, but each business is different from other, each person and thought process behind is different - so end of the day making it all "predictable" and "analytical" in stereotype solution may not work. To make that "process" realization - go ahead and read this book - I will suggest.
Let me know your feedback on - pmendki at gmail dot com or post comments here.
Prashant Mendki
This book details everything that you need to know on Spend Analysis. It details out right from simple definitions to the steps on implementing Spend Management program, how different classification taxonomies work, what all reports one needs to look for, how to identify opportunities and what are different components of Spend analysis that makes it "real" on technology side. So it helps you to understand whether you need spend analysis - what it means, if you say yes - what all things you may want to look for to decide your own goal and then once you know goals how to make those real - in simple language it takes you through all steps.
In a market that is crowded with providers running over each other to prove differetiators like quick turnaround from data to dashboard, agressive pricing and fully automated solutions - this books make you realize that spend analysis is a "process" and to make it work as a "fully automated tool" is not that realistic. Yes technological algorithms can turn business process into software and that has benefit in terms of time and accuracy, but each business is different from other, each person and thought process behind is different - so end of the day making it all "predictable" and "analytical" in stereotype solution may not work. To make that "process" realization - go ahead and read this book - I will suggest.
Let me know your feedback on - pmendki at gmail dot com or post comments here.
Prashant Mendki
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