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Showing posts from June 13, 2010

Mahindra Satyam needs to be distinctive - Says HFS

Horses for Sources - a IT industry analyst focussed on oursourcing published a very good article today after Mahindra Satyam's analyst call. Good assessment on how the things are after the Satyam takeover of Mahindras and what needs to be done - the main point being Mahindra Saryam needs to be distinctive. Thanks Prashant Mendki pmendki(at)gmail(dot)com

Spend Analysis - its not only about identifying Savings

For last two months I was talking to some customers and prospective customers to study on "how" part of Spend Analytics system. This How is mainly about - How do you use spend analytics system - simple. My impression untill recently that everybody must be looking at reports like - Vendor wise spend, Commodity wise spend, Category wide spend etc etc, then identify what are important objects in terms of money - get the strategy defined to do negotiations and then actually saving money in longer term using negotiated pricing. Now after my brief 2 months study - this looks to be a small part of the world to me. Sometimes this is "Not" the part of results through spend analytics system. Then what do industry do with it? Interestingly sometime people just needs a consolidated analytical system. Means, they have desperate systems all over the world, and data in those is not in good shape. So what they want is some system to consolidate, standardize the data, cleanse it a...