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Showing posts from August 9, 2009

What are key business drivers to implement supplier diversity program in my enterprise?

Last week in a related article we discussed about diversity definitions and what each type means. Now the real question that procurement managers in a enterprise needs to answer when there is a talk about implementing supplier diversity is “Why should we implement Supplier Diversity?”. Once (s)he knows answer to this question, then comes the turn of how to implement it. Today let’s look at the key drivers behind the supplier diversity initiative and how one can not only justify but also build a business case around it to take organization along with you. The basic premise here is - A supplier diversity program will partner your company with businesses that are owned and/or operated by women; African, Hispanic, Asian and Native Americans; gay and lesbian individuals; and veterans. It will also connect you with companies that may have been overlooked because of their size as well as those located in economically distressed areas. Now all that is fine, but do these connections make a bus...