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Who in Supplier diversity program - An interesting Aspect

Last week after I posted third part of my Supplier diversity series of - What Why and How, I got an question from my esteemed senior colleague Ashok Pai, Who works in Supply chain industry worldwide for decades and a Client Partner with Bristlecone, asking "When are you writing about WHO aspect of this?" I replied saying I never thought of that angle, as my basic assumption was that supplier onboarding process is part of strategic sourcing and procurement department chain so those are the people who will be implementing it. And then he mentioned to me that "Look at it from supplier onboarding angle, which is a major pain area for US industry". As I started thinking and researching from that angle, I realized that as a part of diversity implementation its easy to say that run the diversity program in industry, capture supplier attendtion, get the diverse suppliers registered and start doing business with them - its hard to implement. Its really hard to get a new supplier onboard.

This week, I was planning to write something on Supplier Risk associated with the diversity and how that should be assesed as well as mitigated. But I think that needs to wait as I see Supplier Onboarding gets precedence once we talk about How to implement diversity program. I will post that shortly.


  1. I am still researching on the Supplier onboarding process and its impact on the supplier diversity implementation. So it may take some time on getting a grip to write on the subject. If anybody wants to contribute to thought process, please post a comment or send me an email


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